Broken Wrist Update No2.

The last week or so has been largely quite boring. The things I typically do to keep myself busy have now become too painful. Finding other ways to keep myself both productive and entertained has been quite challenging. Naturally, I’ve found doing endless amounts of admin.

But it’s certainly not all bad. I’m now out of the cast (thank god), and in a much more comfortable splint. I still can’t do much with the wrist but at the very least I can start the rehab. I’ve got about 5-6 different stretches I have to do around 10 times a day. Yes, I do forget. However, in the last few days, I have noticed my range of motion starting to return. It’s still nowhere close to me playing drums but it’s getting there.

The doctor said the full recovery could take up to 12 weeks. Over time I can increase the activity and weight put on the wrist but I’m expecting a quicker recovery.

I’ve set myself the target of the 15th of September. This is a Winter Gardens rehearsal for a gig on the 1st of October. I’ve also booked a gig on the 21st of September which I’ll also need to drive for.

So I have my target and I might not be at 100% but I’m sure by that point I’ll be able to play. The time is going to pass anyway so I might as well spend it optimising my recovery.

On more positive news, I attended a wedding as a guest on Sunday. No, I didn’t ask to play Mr Brightside. But it was the first time I’d been to a wedding since I’d started playing them 3 years ago. It was very interesting to go, being able to see behind the veil. It was also great to have my last wedding of the season be one I can celebrate (and not get home at 3am in the morning and have to unpack a drum kit).

Until tomorrow,

And don’t forget—I post daily blogs with tips, tricks, and guides like this one, so be sure to check back regularly for more drumming advice!

Until tomorrow,


5 Common Mistakes Beginner Drummers Make and How to Avoid Them.


A Beginner’s Guide to Tuning Drums: Get the Perfect Sound In 8 Simple Steps.