Broken Wrist Update No 3.

So we’re 3 weeks on from the initial break and while it’s still very frustrating not being able to gig or workout, the healing process seems to be going quite quickly. I spend a fair amount of time out of m splint, doing my stretches, seeing what I can and can’t do with the wrist and I’m slowly getting my strength back.

I did manage to play drums a little the other day. I was able to play at what I’d call 70% but I can tell I won’t lose any technical ability. It was a little painful and I couldn’t hit hard at all, suggesting that I probably shouldn’t be trying to play at all really, but I’m confident that I will be back to full force in no time. I’ve got to start rehearsing with bands again by mid September, and my first gig back will be on the 25th. Luckily, that set isn’t too demanding so it will be a good starting point. To be honest, it’s not the playing I’m worried about. It’s the loading the gear in and out that might prove difficult.

Apart from the playing side of things, I’ve still had loads of downtime which has been the real difficulty of this period. What do you do when you’ve created a life around the things you enjoy most, only to then not be able to do them? Well it turns out I spend a lot of time scrolling. That hasn’t been excellent for me, but for the most part I can stop myself if it goes on too long.

This blog has been a great thing for me to focus on. Though it’s actually getting a bit tricky to keep up with the daily posts. Most of the time I’m scheduling in advance so I’m not writing everyday, but I am having to come up with ideas constantly. The first goal is 50 consecutive posts. 50 blog posts is around the minimum you’d need for effective SEO and that is largely the whole point of this process. That means I’ll be done around early October. From there I will likely go to 2-3 posts a week, to lighten the load, especially as I start getting busy again. And looking at my calendar, it’s going to get busy again!

I can’t wait!

And don’t forget—I post daily blogs with tips, tricks, and guides like this one, so be sure to check back regularly for more drumming advice!

Until tomorrow,


The Importance of the Push-Pull Technique.


Top 5 Songs Every Beginner Drummer Should Learn.